Here is all the questions of the gypsy and what gives:

Honesty vs. Compassion:
Entrusted to deliver an uncounted purse of gold, thou dost meet a poor beggar. Dost thou: 
A) deliver the gold knowing the Trust in thee was well-placed; or 
B) show Compassion, giving the Beggar a coin, knowing it won't be missed?

Honesty vs. Valor:
Thou has been prohibited by thy absent Lord from joining thy friends in a close pitched battle. Dost thou:
A) refrain, so thou may Honestly claim obedience; or
B) show Valor, and aid thy comrades, knowing thou may deny it later?

Honesty vs. Justice:
A merchant owes thy friend money, now long past due. Thou dost see the same merchant drop a purse of gold. Dost thou:
A) Honestly return the purse intact; or
B) Justly give thy friend a portion of the gold first?

Honesty vs. Sacrifice:
Thee and thy friend are valiant but penniless warriors. Thou both go out to slay a mighty dragon. Thy friend thinks he slew it, thee did. When asked, dost thou:
A) Truthfully claim the gold; or 
B) Allow thy friend the large reward?

Honesty vs. Honor:
Thou art sworn to protect thy Lord at any cost, yet thou knowest he hath committed a crime. Authorities ask thee of the affair, dost thou:
A) break thine oath by Honestly speaking; or 
B) uphold Honor by silently keeping thine oath?

Honesty vs. Spirituality:
Thy friend seeks admittance to thy Spiritual order. Thou art asked to vouch for his purity of Spirit, of which thou art unsure. Dost thou:
A) Honestly express thy doubt; or
B) Vouch for him, hoping for his Spiritual improvement?

Honesty vs. Humility:
Thy Lord mistakenly believes he slew a dragon. Thou hast proof that thy lance felled the beast. When asked, dost thou:
A) Honestly claim the kill and the prize; or
B) Humbly permit thy Lord his belief?

Compassion vs. Valor:
Thou dost manage to disarm thy mortal enemy in a duel. He is at thy mercy. Dost thou:
A) show Compassion by permitting him to yield; or 
B) slay him as expected of a Valiant duelist?

Compassion vs. Justice:
After 20 years thou hast found the slayer of thy best friends. The villain proves to be a man who provides the sole support for a young girl. Dost thou:
A) spare him in Compassion for the girl; or
B) slay him in the name of Justice?

Compassion vs. Sacrifice:
Thee and thy friends have been routed and ordered to retreat. In defiance of thy orders, dost thou:
A) stop in Compassion to aid a wounded companion; or
B) Sacrifice thyself to slow the pursuing enemy, so others can escape?

Compassion vs. Honor:
Thou art sworn to uphold a Lord who participates in the forbidden torture of prisoners. Each night their cries of pain reach thee. Dost thou:
A) Show Compassion by reporting the deeds; or  
B) Honor thy oath and ignore the deeds?

Compassion vs. Spirituality:
Thou hast been taught to preserve all life as sacred. A man lies fatally stung by a venomous serpent. He pleads for a merciful death. Dost thou: 
A) show Compassion and end his pain; or  
B) heed thy Spiritual beliefs and refuse?

Compassion vs. Humility:
As one of the King's Guard, thy Captain has asked that one amongst you visit a hospital to cheer the children with tales of thy valiant deeds. Dost thou:
A) Show thy Compassion and play the braggart; or
B) Humbly let another go?

Valor vs. Justice:
Thou hast been sent to secure a needed treaty with a distant Lord. Thy host is agreeable to the proposal but insults thy country at dinner. Dost thou:
A) Valiantly bear the slurs; or
B) Justly rise and demand an apology?

Valor vs. Sacrifice:
A mighty knight accosts thee and demands thy food. Dost thou:
A) Valiantly refuse and engage the knight; or
B) Sacrifice thy food unto the hungry knight?

Valor vs. Honor:
During battle thou art ordered to guard thy commander's empty tent. The battle goes poorly and thou dost yearn to aid thy fellows. Dost thou:
A) Valiantly enter the battle to aid thy companions; or
B) Honor thy post as guard?

Valor vs. Spirituality:
A local bully pushes for a fight. Dost thou:
A) Valiantly trounce the rogue; or
B) Decline, knowing in thy Spirit that no lasting good will come of it?

Valor vs. Humility:
Although a teacher of music, thou art a skillful wrestler. Thou hast 
been  asked to fight in a local championship. Dost thou:
A) accept the invitation and Valiantly fight to win; or
B) Humbly decline knowing thou art sure to win?

Justice vs. Sacrifice:
During a pitched battle, thou dost see a fellow desert his post, endangering many. As he flees, he is set upon by several enemies. Dost thou:
A) Justly let him fight alone; or
B) Risk Sacrificing thine own life to aid him?

Justice vs. Honor:
Thou hast sworn to do thy Lord's bidding in all. He covets a piece of land and orders the owner removed. Dost thou:
A) serve Justice, refusing to act, thus being disgraced; or
B) Honor thine oath and unfairly evict the landowner?

Justice vs. Spirituality:
Thou dost believe that virtue resides in all people. Thou dost see a rogue steal from thy Lord. Dost thou:
A) call him to Justice; or
B) personally try to sway him back to the Spiritual path of good?

Justice vs. Humility:
Unwitnessed, thou hast slain a great dragon in self defense. A poor warrior claims the offered reward. Dost thou:
A) Justly step forward to claim the  reward; or
B) Humbly go about life, secure in thy self-esteem?

Sacrifice vs. Honor:
Thou art a bounty hunter sworn to return an alleged murderer. After his capture, thou believest him to be innocent.  Dost thou:
A) Sacrifice thy sizeable bounty for thy belief; or
B) Honor thy oath to return him as thou hast promised?

Sacrifice vs. Spirituality:
Thou hast spent thy life in charitable and righteous work. Thine uncle the innkeeper lies ill and asks you to take over his tavern. Dost thou: 
A) Sacrifice thy life of purity to aid thy kin; or
B) decline & follow thy Spirit's call?

Sacrifice vs. Humility:
Thou art an elderly, wealthy eccentric. Thy end is near. Dost thou:
A) donate all thy wealth to feed hundreds of starving children, and receive public adulation; or
B) Humbly live out thy life, willing thy fortune to thy heirs?

Honor vs. Spirituality:
In thy youth thou pledged to marry thy sweetheart. Now thou art on a sacred quest in distant lands. Thy sweetheart  asks thee to keep thy vow. Dost thou:
A) Honor thy pledge to wed; or
B) follow thy Spiritual crusade?

Honor vs. Humility:
Thou art at a crossroads in thy life. Dost thou:
A) Choose the Honorable life of a Paladin, striving for Truth and Courage; or
B) Choose the Humble life of a Shepherd, and a world of simplicity and peace?

Spirituality vs. Humility:
Thy parents wish thee to become an apprentice. Two positions are available. Dost thou:
A) Become an acolyte in the Spiritual order; or
B) Become an assistant to a humble village cobbler?