
The Way of the Mage
Magic Ability: full
Bonus: big INT

The mages of Britannia are known for their powerful spells and mesmerizing enchantments. Gathering in Moonglow, near the Lycaeum, there they study the ancient scrolls and arcane knowledge of the land in their unending quest to further the virtue of Honesty. Despite their erudite nature and frail frame compared to many stouter citizens of Britannia, the mage makes a powerful travelling companion and a dangerous adversary.
With little need for heavy armour or weapons to protect them from the dangers of the land, most mages choose to cloak themselves in simple cloth armour, and carry either a staff, dagger, or sling, although some have been known to carry more resilient fare when danger is expected. Some have even been known to carry powerful magical enchantments woven into their equipment. The primary weapon of the mage, of course, is magic. The most powerful mages have been known to bind enchantments which can cause the very earth itself to move.
As with the fighters, wizards desiring to join our Colony must be ready to satisfy the entry requirements of a fraternal organization unique to the Abyss. This is our magical society, the Ancient Illuminated Seers of the Moonstone. Their by-laws encourage magic-users to shun armor except that made of cloth, and to carry no weapons beside staff, sling or dagger. (Arcane weapons are, naturally, excluded from this limitation.) However, no natural or magical law prevents spellcasters from using whatever armor and weapons they choose, and many of the younger Seers opt for the heaviest arms and armor they can manage. Still, the Seers' rules serve to keep the mage focused on his primary purpose: the working of magic.