
Beware: Gargoyles!

Strange lunar forces are driving the Gargoyle horde deep into
Britain! Arm thyselves to the teeth should you wish to visit Britain’s
Major shops! British Commands the town militia to advance! Log in and do such!

Dragons And Drakes Oh My!: The Trinsic Honor Guard Needs You!

Alastor Gordon, mayor of Trinsic is calling all able bodied fighters to come to the city’s aid. Just this morning fires were seen in the woods east of Trinsic, spewing forth from the caverns of Destard. Dragons and Drake have been heard roaring throughout the early morning, and even one towns person, sandy the cook, spotted a drake just outside the town gates.

The Town of Justice Needs You

The town of justice needs your help! Brigands and outlaws from across Britannia have attacked yew and freed the prisoners! They are holding up along the roads and ambushing travelers from inside buildings. They have amassed a force over over two hundred men and monster. Even the gargoyles do not stand a chance! Quickly Avatar! For Justice!

Boat Carrying The Mad Mages Experiments Hits The Bay Of Britanny!

Tholden and Lord British agree that a pirate ship carrying stow away pets from Sutek’s island had crash landed in the Bay of Britanny. Guards say this morning the boat crashed in to shore near the Inn. Upon inspection, all crew were found dead and dismembered. Strange sounds were heard below deck for hours until a raging bull rocked a hole in the boats hull. Since this time Vicious Cows, Alligators, and Hydra from Sutek’s Mansion as sea have spread inland. Lord British orders all women and children to return home at once! And all able fighters, Guardians, and members of the royal Britannian Guard do what they can to rid the town of this vile corruption of nature. Until then investigators will be looking in to this unusual shipment’s origins and purpose.
Largest Ultima VI Event Yet!
Earthquakes that rival the cataclysm have struck Britannia world wide for three days! After the ocean waters settled down citizens are reporting wealth and death on all shores! While Lord British’s Navy has yes to find the source of these washings on the beaches, Rumor has it that trade vessels traveling from Britain and Trinsic in route to Hythloth to speak with the gargoyles are vanishing, and all attempts to find them are meeting without success.